====== Tips and tricks for using Rhino in conjunction with a variety of other applications ====== **[[http://download.mcneel.com/s3/mcneel/misc/docs/RhinoToRevitWorkflow_SimplyRhinoUK.pdf|Rhino To/From Revit Workflow]]** This [[http://download.mcneel.com/s3/mcneel/misc/docs/RhinoToRevitWorkflow_SimplyRhinoUK.pdf|white paper]] courtesy of [[http://www.simplyrhino.co.uk|Simply Rhino UK]] will show you how to export solid models from Rhino to Revit and from Revit to Rhino. And here a brief tutorial [[http://hokbimsolutions.blogspot.com/2007/07/revit-to-rhino-workflow.html|Workflow: Rhino to Revit]] by HOK BIM Solutions. **[[http://files.na.mcneel.com/rhino/4.0/docs/en/RhinoToFromArchiCAD.doc|Rhino To/From ArchiCAD Workflow]]** **[[http://news2.mcneel.com/scripts/dnewsweb.exe?utag&grouprhino&xrelated231608&cmd_relatedView+thread|AutoCAD 2007 vs Rhino]]** User feedback about how [[rhino:autocad|AutoCAD]] and Rhino complement. **[[rhino:renderinganimationmodelling|Rendering/Animation/Modeling Programs]]** Examples of this type of application: 3D Studio Max, Cinema4D, RhinoMAN, Maxwell Render, etc. **[[rhino:rhinowith2dapps|Illustration and Drafting programs]]** Examples of this type of application: AutoCAD, Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, etc. **[[rhino:solidandengineeringprograms|Solid Modeling and Engineering programs]]** Examples of this type of application: Pro/E, SOLIDWORKS, UniGraphics, PowerSHAPE, etc. **[[rhino:cam|CAM (computer aided manufacturing) programs]]** Examples of this type of application: PowerMILL, Surfcam, Mastercam, Visual Mill, RhinoCAM, etc. **[[rhino:rapidprototyping|Rapid Prototyping Information]]** **[[cncbasics|Basic CNC Information]]** **[[rhino:cncmilling|Design to Milling]]** //Steps to get your 2D or 3D model data to your CNC mill// **[[rhino:exporttolaser|Laser Cutting Information]]** **[[rhino:claytools|Clay Tools]]** **[[rhino:rhinomold|RHINOMOLD]]** **[[rhino:rhinowithotherprogs|Other Applications]]** **[[http://www.cartertools.com/3Dpath.html|3D Toolpath Milling with the Taig CNC Milling Machine]]** Nick Carter outlines the process of milling a part from Rhino on a taig mill. **[[rhino:googleearth|Rhino and Google Earth]]** Rhino 4 is able to export 3d models to Google Earth, find more about the details and examples ---- **[[rhino:fileexchange|File Exchange to and from Rhino]]**